Primary Class Instruction in Christian Science
As one begins to experience the benefits of a spiritual approach to life it’s natural to want to learn more. Christian Science primary class instruction, a twelve-session course in spiritual healing, was designed by Mary Baker Eddy for those who have been inspired by the ideas in her book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, and who have a heartfelt desire to help themselves and others through prayer.
Classes are taught once a year and include 12 sessions of instruction over a two week period. Teachers continue to act as mentors to their pupils after the class has ended and are always available to support them in their spiritual growth. Upon completing primary class, students become members of their teacher’s pupils’ association. The association meets annually for a seminar of continuing spiritual education.
Dave became an authorized teacher in 2009 when he completed the Normal Class in the Board of Education of The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston. Dave teaches in Chicago, Illinois, USA. He is now accepting applications for the 2024 class which will take place in December. Pupils and guests are gathering for their next annual association meeting on October 4, 2025.
For more information or for an application for primary class or guest attendance at the September association meeting, contact Dave. And, for a further description of primary class instruction and to view a complete directory of Christian Science teachers, click here.
- Tuition for Christian Science primary class instruction is $100 (Manual of The Mother Church Article XXVI Section 5)